The Power of Self-Reflection
Posted by Smita Kishore on
Self-reflection is a powerful tool that not only helps us to discover our true motivations and who we are, but if done regularly, it can also help to align our lives with our most authentic selfs. We have thousands of thoughts per day, many of which tend to be self-destructive. By taking the time to focus our mental energy inwards, we allow ourselves the opportunity to positively grow and evolve. Here are some tips to help get you started!
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Manifesting Your Destiny
Posted by Smita Kishore on
Many of us believe that we have little control over the life that's handed to us or that not all of us have the freedom to live the life we dream. The truth is that we attract the lives we lead through our thoughts and beliefs. Everything we're experiencing or have ever experienced has come to be due to our inner beliefs, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The challenge is learning how to match our awareness and intentions to help manifest the life we wish to see...
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Being Your Authentic Self
Posted by Smita Kishore on
We live in a world that constantly bombards us with ideas on how we should live, who we should be, and what we should wear, think and do. These images of the “perfect” life surround us. They’re everywhere, from the moment we enter this earth to the time we leave. How then do we rise above these external pressures and live life authentically? How do we be what we came here to be: our most authentic selves? Here are 7 tips to get you started!
Going Slowly
Posted by Smita Kishore on
Going slowly allows us to become more conscious, mindful and aware of our state of being, and therefore our state of doing. It allows us to process and respond, rather than to react. When we go slowly, we’re able to see things more clearly and fully experience life...
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Posted by Smita Kishore on
Upekkha is a Pali word that means to be equanimous, to have no craving or aversion knowing that all things will eventually pass, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant. Growing up, I always heard about equanimity, about having no desires or strong emotions, but not once did anyone show me how—yes, we all know that we shouldn't get angry or become annoyed, but how?! Vipassana showed me how...
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