Tagged "Personal Growth"


Posted by Smita Kishore on

Upekkha is a Pali word that means to be equanimous, to have no craving or aversion knowing that all things will eventually pass, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant. Growing up, I always heard about equanimity, about having no desires or strong emotions, but not once did anyone show me how—yes, we all know that we shouldn't get angry or become annoyed, but how?! Vipassana showed me how...
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Love-Centered Living

Posted by Smita Kishore on

We are taught from a young age to process the world as we “see” it, as we perceive it to be, and therefore experience it to be. We are taught to process events as they happen in relation to us. But what if this is all wrong? What if this is not how we’re meant to process life at all? What if in any given situation the only thing we ever have to do is ask ourselves one simple question: “What would Love do?”
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6 Ways to Stop Judging Yourself

Posted by Smita Kishore on

Everything we see is a reflection of our inner world. When we find ourselves judging or criticizing others, it’s often a sign that we don’t like those behaviors in ourselves; it's a positive indicator that we are subconsciously judging ourselves. Just as we can't truly love someone until we learn to love ourselves, we also can't release our judgment of others until we're able to stop judging ourselves. Here are 6 ways to stop judging yourself today!

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Gratitude: Changing Your Outlook on Life!

Posted by Smita Kishore on

According to research in positive psychology, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Studies have shown that people who take time to practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. Simply keeping a gratitude journal can significantly increase overall well-being and satisfaction. Here are 9 simple ways to practice gratitude daily! 


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Growing the Right Seeds in the Garden of Your Mind

Posted by Smita Kishore on

Are you watering your fears or your dreams? Our thoughts and attention determine our world. Here are 9 ways to tend to the garden of your mind to create the life you dream!
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