Tagged "Ingredients"

The Benefits of a Food Journal

Posted by Smita Kishore on

We get so used to living with our discomforts sometimes that we forget to take a moment to be mindful of what triggers or aggravates them. But what if it didn’t have to be normal? What if it was possible to not suffer from migraines, itchy skin and bloating often, or even ever? Now I’m not saying that tracking your food and diet is the cure to everything. If only things were that black and white. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t provide valuable insight into how our bodies feel. After all, it is the fuel that we run on...

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Why I Went All Natural

Posted by Smita Kishore on

I started reading a lot about the ingredients in our beauty products, as well as the chemicals in our food, during my sophomore year in college. My curiosity was sparked when the Environmental Working Group (EWG) launched their Skin Deep database in 2004 and when I discovered the Seafood Watch consumer guides...These resources made me more conscious of what I was putting into and onto my body. At first, I monitored my products here and there, but mostly continued using many of the same brands due to a lack of availability of something purer.
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