Tagged "My Journey"

Life Without TV

Posted by Smita Kishore on

I often wonder if we have more time than we think. It surprised me how much my idea of time spent vs. actual time spent watching TV differed. It surprised me how much time we would actually gain by taking it away altogether. So we decided to try it: to unplug our TV  to see what would happen. Here's what we learned...
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What is Self-Love?

Posted by Smita Kishore on

All of this talk about Valentine's Day and Love last week got me thinking: What does it really mean to love thyself? Is it taking a moment to pause and breathe in the middle of a hectic day? Is it allowing oneself to be vulnerable and open to growth and change? Is it as simple as putting a balm on my hands when they are in need of some nourishment? What exactly does it mean to practice self-love? 

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How I Cope with the Hecticness of Life

Posted by Smita Kishore on

The past few months have been hectic, to say the least. Work, family, and daily responsibilities have been nonstop. I'm exhausted. I'm overwhelmed the majority of the time, and I'm on a constant roller coaster of emotions. Every single day. Which has me thinking a lot about how to cope when life won't stop moving, when there's hardly a minute to slow down...
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Finding the Discipline to Do What I Love

Posted by Smita Kishore on

Discipline is defined as the ability to "train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way." It's what allows us to push ourselves daily to reach our goals. Without it, our true greatness cannot be achieved. Here are some tips that have helped me to be more disciplined in my daily life!

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The Morning Night

Posted by Smita Kishore on

A little poetry to soothe your soul. Inspired by my early morning meditations.
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