Tagged "Go Green"

9 Food Trends That Are Destroying the Environment

Posted by Smita Kishore on

I love trying the latest food trends but what I don't love is their often unknown effects on the environment. About one-third of the world’s land is forests. Every year, this area decreases by an average of 13 million hectares, which corresponds to around 35 football fields per minute, mainly due to agriculture. So much of what we consume daily has effects that reach far beyond our bellies, but if we aren't aware of them, how can we do anything to help fix it? 
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Go Green: 18 Ways to Reuse Your Simply Smita Co Packaging!

Posted by Smita Kishore on

Wondering what to do with all of your Simply Smita Co jars, pouches and packaging that you're collecting? We've got a few ideas for you!
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Shop Local: Why You Should Jump on the Bandwagon!

Posted by Smita Kishore on

Now I'm not typically one for keeping up with trends, but when the trend is better for the environment, independent business owners, and communities as a whole, I will happily jump on the bandwagon! The shop local trend is growing so steadily that it's become a movement; one that I strongly suggest you join.
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5 Ways to Conserve Water

Posted by Smita Kishore on

With World Water Day coming up on March 22nd, it's important for us to take the time to think about how fortunate we are to have access to clean drinking water, hot showers, etc., while so many around the world don't. It's equally as important for us to think about how we are consuming water and the ways in which we can learn to conserve it daily. Here are 5 ways you can conserve water today...

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    Simple Ways to Go Green

    Posted by Smita Kishore on

    I used to think that living a green lifestyle was hard or not as possible living in the city; but as I've learned, this is far from the truth! Being green doesn't have to be complex or complicated. There are little things that we can do every single day that can positively impact the Earth...

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